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i've been thinking of making a website for sometime now. i'm really bad at journaling, and i really suck at being consistent with something. but i really wanted a place where i could put every thought, every diary entry, and every poem safetly. my senior year of highschool while i was applying to colleges, one supplement question stuck out to me, and through writing it i created something called "my heart hotel". the supplement question was actually really fun to answer, what it was you asked? "You're given a time machine that sends you 25 years into the future. Upon arriving, you see an older version of yourself who immediately smiles at you. What do you ask them and how does the conversation go?" this question changed my life, and i mean that in the most dramatic way possible. this blog is kinda like my heart hotel. it's where all the memories, the people, the thoughts, eveyrthing is stored. everything and everyone has a place, and they always will.